Paul is one of our most committed participants and volunteers. He cares about the horses, takes care of them to the utmost of his abilities, and is never afraid to ask us any questions he might have.
Here is Paul’s story:
“The time that I get to spend out at Horses Spirits Healing is something that I don’t think I could get elsewhere. The staff and everyone out there will make you feel that you belong there. They will take the time to make you feel comfortable and involved with every aspect of what you are doing. I also get the opportunity to take my daughter for horse riding lesson and I get the opportunity to be a part of that. The time that I get to spend out there with my daughter is helping me reconnect and to learn how to be in the moment with her and just have some fun. I also volunteer and it gives me a since of purpose again. I look forward to going out to the barn every week because it is a place for me to go and feel a part of something and to reconnect with my daughter and to build the bond between me and my daughter.
Thank you for everything you do for us,
Paul Mereness”